Teacher Training Videos

Each training video has classroom management, resource ideas and creative teaching tips built into the example lesson. Be sure to keep your eye out for the pop-up tips along the way! Two lessons per elementary age group have been chosen. If you would like to show a ‘kid friendly’ video snippet of the lesson, you can visit the “KidMin Pathway” channel on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/@KidMinPathway

Summer 2023
Teacher Training Videos

One Accord Early Elementary

One Accord Early Elementary

One Accord Middle Elementary​

One Accord Middle Elementary​

One Accord PreTeen

One Accord PreTeen

Spring 2023
Teacher Training Videos

One Accord Early Elementary

One Accord Early Elementary

One Accord Middle Elementary

One Accord Middle Elementary

One Accord PreTeen

One Accord PreTeen

Winter 2022
Teacher Training Videos

One Accord Early Elementary

One Accord Early Elementary

One Accord Middle Elementary

One Accord Middle Elementary

One Accord PreTeen

One Accord PreTeen